A version of this article was first published on silvent.com

A lot of working environments are way too loud and noisy. Noise and high sound levels can cause hearing loss and tinnitus among the employees. Hearing loss can not be cured and the people that get affected have to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives. Noise is often recognized as one of our largest work environment problems. Usually, it is said that noise affects us in three ways:

  • Psychological:
    Noise can often be perceived as psycologically exhausting and distracting. This affects the worker negatively and can also lower the work capacity and performance.
  • Masking:
    The noise can also mask other sounds, this will make it harder for the worker to perceive other sounds, as for example warning signals. This will increase the risk of occupational injuries.
  • Physical:
    A person that is exposed to loud noise repeatedly will not just risk hearing damage and tinnitus but the noise might also affect the body in other ways. It can for example increase the blood pressure, change the breathing rhythm and change the gastric acid production. In turn, this will have a negative effect on the blood circulation, sleep and digestion, which can lead to headache, sickness, tension in the macules and both physical and psychological tiredness. All of these symptoms can lead to impaired attention.

A good working environment is therefore not just good for the employee, but also for the employer that will get a more efficient and healthier workforce. Click the button and learn more about how you can improve the work environment and decrease the risk of occupational injuries when blowing with compressed air.


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