Hose Reels Manufacturer & Distributor

Spray Nozzle Engineering partners with Reel Tech for the manufacturing of hose reels.

The Benefits of Stainless Steel Hose Reels

A stainless steel hose reel can help with managing hoses in your workspace.

A hose that is unspooled and sprawled across your workspace floor is a tripping hazard. At Spray Nozzle Engineering, we can provide you with a stainless steel hose reel that can aid in preventing accidents and optimising your workspace.

Tips for Getting More Value out of Your Stainless Steel Hose Reel

There are many benefits to owning a stainless steel hose reel, but you need to know how to fully take advantage of your equipment. Here are a few tips and tricks when it comes to owning or seeking to buy a hose reel.

  • Well placed: When you buy a hose reel, it is essential to know where to put it. Placing it in the right space can not only increase productivity but efficiency as well.
  • Correct safe rewind speed
  • Correct hose reel capacity
  • Reduces damage: A hose laying out can be more damaging than it seems. Not only could you trip over it, but while using the hose, you could cause it to become tangled and bend, damaging your equipment. A stainless steel hose reel could fix all of that.

Benefits of Owning a Stainless Steel Hose Reel in the Food and Beverage Industry

Buying a quality stainless steel hose reel can help you with organising your space and protecting your equipment from damage. Below are some advantages to owning a hose reel.

  • Safety: Having your hose spooled up and out of the way can prevent accidents and mishaps in the workspace.
  • More space: Our stainless steel hose reel is designed to neatly and effectively neaten up your hose so that is it out of the way and protected.

Contact us now to get your stainless steel hose reel to protect your hose and optimise your workspace.