Silvent 220 F Adjustable Flexblow Hoses

Silvent 220 F Adjustable Flexblow Hoses

SILVENT’s FLEXBLOW hose is a bendable hose that keeps the desired position, even when blowing at high pressure. Since the hose can be bent to the optimal blowing angle, both noise level and air consumption can be kept to a minimum.

New technology has provided the system with increased durability and improved bending and blowing characteristics. The hose is oil resistant and can also be used with coolants. SILVENT’s flexblow hoses are available in 6 different standard lengths, with either 1/8” or 1/4” connection. SILVENT’s 5001, 208, or 920 nozzles can be combined with the flexblow hoses. Flexblow hoses fitted with SILVENT nozzles fully meet OSHA safety requirements. Patented.

Replace open pipe of diameters:
4 – 6 mm
1/8” – 1/4”

SILVENT 220 F – 280 F: nozzle mounted on a bendable Flexblow hose. Keeps desired position, even at high pressure. Available in 6 different standard lengths. The Flexblow hose has a 1/4″ male connection thread. Same performance as 920 A


  • Reduces the noise level: 14 – 23 dB(A)
  • Decreases air consumption: 18 – 47 %
  • Safety nozzle: Meets OSHA standards

These flexible hoses can be used with some but not limited to the following air nozzles:

209 Air Nozzle

921 Air Nozzle

9002W Air Nozzle

920A Air Nozzle

Download Adjustable Flexblow Hoses Datasheet

Flexblow without nozzle

Flexblow hoses are available without a nozzle with 1/4” thread at both ends. 6 standard lengths.

Order no.: 820 – 880

Flexblow with cooling nozzle

Flexblow hoses are also available with a cooling nozzle for cutting fluid. 6 standard lengths 1/4” connection.

Order no.: 821 – 881

SI units US units
Blowing force 5.5 N 1.2 lbs
Air consumption 30 Nm³/h 17.7 scfm
Sound level 81 dB(A)
Blowing pattern Flat
Connection G 1/4″ 1/4″-18 NPT
Connection type Male
Dimensions 242 mm 9.53 inch
Material Zinc
Weight 0.245 kg 0.540 lbs
Max temp 70 °C 158 °F
Max operating pressure 1.0 MPa 143.0 psi


Replace open pipe 6 mm 1/4 inch
Noise reduction [dB(A)] 21 dB(A) 77 %
Air/cost savings [Nm³/h] 37 Nm³/h 55 %
Meet the EU Machine directives Yes


Blowing properties at different pressures

SI units (kPa) 200 400 600 800 1000
Blowing force (N) 2.0 4.3 7.0 9.2 11.4
Air consumption (Nm³/h) 12.0 25.0 38.0 50.1 62.0
Sound level (dB(A)) 72.0 79.1 83.3 86.6 88.4
US units (psi) 40 60 80 100 120
Blowing force (oz) 10.4 16.2 22.1 27.8 33.7
Air consumption (scfm) 10.8 15.4 20.0 24.6 29.2
Sound level (dB(A)) 75.1 79.3 82.5 85.0 87.0

Air cone patterns and velocity distribution

SI units (mm) 50 100 200 300 400 500
Blowing pattern (width) 80 100 140 180 220 260
Blowing pattern (height) 40 60 100 140 180 220
Velocity (m/s) 122 100 57 40 36 33
US units (inch) 2 4 8 12 16 20
Blowing pattern (width) 3.15 3.94 5.51 7.09 8.66 10.24
Blowing pattern (height) 1.57 2.36 3.94 5.51 7.09 8.66
Velocity (ft/s) 400 328 187 131 118 108

blowing Pattern – Silvent Adjustable hoses

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